Grande traversée de l’Ardèche VTT Stage 1 from Annonay to Devesset

The Grande Traversée de l'Ardèche VTT runs north-south from Annonay to Bourg-Saint-Andéol over 315km. You'll discover the Mézenc and Gerbier de Jonc mountains, the Païolive forest and the Ardèche Gorges.

Leaving Annonay, the 1st stage takes you up the hillside to enjoy superb views of the Cance valley as far as the Col des Baraques, the boundary between the Mediterranean and Atlantic watersheds. Saint-Bonnet-le-Froid is the gateway to the high plateaux. Pedaling along ancient paths, you cross this undulating country, with its beautiful coniferous forests alternating with broom heaths and meadows, to reach Devesset, with its lakes, rivers and wetlands that make it a remarkable natural area.

Classement & labels

  • Open air
  • Itinerary France by bike


  • Distance : 58.3 km
  • Balisage : BALISE
  • Dénivelé positif : 1690 m
  • Dénivelé négatif : 860 m
  • Durée journalière : 480 min
  • Type d’itinéraire : ALLER_ITINERANCE
  • Nature du terrain : Stone
  • Nature du terrain : Ground
  • Nature du terrain : Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)


All year round.



  • Charging station for 2 electric wheels
  • Car park
  • Public WC
  • Picnic area
  • Toilets

Prestations sur place