‘The bee is magic, a tale, a true story’.
Come and join me to share a friendly, educational and tasty moment around this marvellous passion.
Visits are free by APPOINTMENT (Tel. 06 07 25 01 24).
Producer of honey, by-products, fresh pollen, royal jelly (le Rucher d'Alizarine is a member of the GPGR, the royal jelly producers' group, a guarantee of origin and quality - French royal jelly.
D'Abeille en Art....
When you come to the Rucher d'Alizarine, you can also enjoy an exhibition of beeswax paintings.
Coloured pigments, beeswax, paper, wood and glass .... will inspire you to paint.
This technique creates complex effects that combine opacity, transparency, thinness, thickness and texture, as well as matt and gloss.
These paintings leave the door open to surprises, discovery and the wonder of colour.
Beautiful journeys and daydreams through my paintings await you.
Visits to my bees are by APPOINTMENT only. Please call me on 06 07 25 01 24 and don't hesitate to leave me a message.